The Power of Dreams: How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

The Power of Dreams: How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

How often do you let fear control your life? If you’re anything like most people, it’s often. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of missing out on the next opportunity that might just change your life in some way. Every single one of us have experienced fear at some point in our lives, whether we recognize it or not, and it’s safe to say that fear has had more negative effects on us than positive ones—especially when we let fear dictate what we can and cannot do with our lives.

Thanks for tuning in to the YFB BLOG/ ONLY’N’CHICAGO podcast. I’m your creator and host MARK CRUTCHER. Today, let’s discuss  The Power of Dreams: How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

A lot of people don't know what they want to do in life and this can make it hard to set your goals. Some people try and set too many goals because they are unsure about which one to pick, so they choose all of them and then nothing gets done. Setting a goal is the first step in figuring out what you want to do with your life!

Set your goals

It’s a good idea to set achievable, realistic goals for yourself as you begin your journey. It’s also important that these goals are measurable and don’t focus too much on being perfect. To succeed, you need to keep your eyes on tangible targets. If possible, prioritize what is most important in terms of a lifestyle change—do you want more time with family? Are you trying to launch a new career? Is it all about losing weight? Knowing what matters most will help make success attainable.

You can do it! The leap of faith can be daunting, but if you take a deep breath and take action one step at a time, you’ll find that success comes quicker than expected. For example, if launching your own business was always an aspiration but something you never imagined would happen, then do not think about how difficult or impossible it may seem—think only about making sure that each day counts toward getting closer to your goal.

The next point that you may understand to be important…

Work on creating habits that move you towards your dreams

You must work at cultivating habits that move you toward your dreams, whether it’s practicing a skill or talking with people who are outside your circle. If you take action on one thing and create good habits surrounding that thing, it can eventually lead to something bigger. Making consistent progress gives us confidence we can make more—and if we can continue building momentum, pretty soon we’ll have a dream life all our own. Practice taking action every day so you get in the habit of moving forward. This could also require rewiring your thoughts. When someone says rewire the way you think, they mean to change your thoughts in order to do something different. For example, if someone wants to stop being scared of heights and start being brave, they might need to rewire their thinking by telling themselves they are not afraid of heights anymore and picturing what it would be like if they were really brave instead of scared.

Put yourself in the right places

Once you’ve decided what type of change you want to make, think about your lifestyle and how it could be improved. Is there a location that would offer more opportunities? Do you have access to new technology or affordable training? Are you ready for change? The power of dreams lies in understanding that they’re achievable—you just need to be ready.

Stay motivated with challenges and rewards

When it comes to the challenge of sticking with a fitness routine, the support of others is important. Whether it’s a friend who encourages you to get out and walk three times a week or someone who joins you on your next big running adventure, finding people who will be positive role models and help keep you motivated can make all the difference. And find things in life that motivate you—the bigger your dream and the more meaningful your goals are, the better! It’s easy to fall off track when we lose sight of our intent. Keep yourself going by celebrating small victories along the way (such as a long run or an early morning boot camp) and giving yourself rewards for hitting certain milestones (such as a new pair of sneakers). If you feel like quitting, take a moment to reflect on why you started and why it matters so much to you.

Follow your heart

In order to fulfill your dreams, you may have to make some tough decisions that might not seem logical in your short-term. For example, you might get offered a well-paying job at a company that doesn’t align with your vision or recreation. In cases like these, you’ll need ambition and tenacity. If you want something more in life, then you must be willing to risk everything for it, including your financial security and stability. Be sure to balance ambition with relaxation and rejuvenation time so you don’t burn out on work before reaching your vision. And, most importantly, never lose sight of your vision. Always remember why you started working toward your goal in the first place; that’s what will keep you going when things get rough. It’s also important to recognize where one ambition ends and another begins—the most successful people aren’t always ambitious; they simply find ways to connect their ambitions together. I wish prosperity on your endeavors and never hesitate to MAKE YOUR DREAMS HAPPEN.

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